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Acne Rosacea

Also Known As

* A chronic, long term Inflammation (i.e., irritation, redness, swelling), with hyperplasia (skin thickening), and acne-type changes of the skin covering the cheeks, eyelids, nose, chin, and forehead.

* Red rash -- blotchy red areas (red mask) over the affected face areas
* Tingling or stinging sensation over the affected face areas
* Dilated tiny (hairlike) blood vessels may be seen under the skin of the face known as telangiectasis
* Hyperplasia of the skin of the nose (e.g., rhynophyma of W.C. Fields common in males)
* Crusting layers of skin, bumps (papules), or pus-filled acne-like tiny pustules may cover the face.
* Flushing or blushing is common.
* Low self-esteem

* Unknown
* The skin changes involve the dilation or enlargement of tiny blood vessels under the skin surface.

How The Diagnosis Is Made
* Clinical exam is the best method of diagnosis

Risk Factor
* Repeated flushing or blushing
* Caucasians
* Females more than males
* Males have more severe disease
* Middle-aged, elderly
* Migraine Headaches
* Alcoholism
* Emotional disturbances
* Spicy hot foods
* Cigarettes
* Harsh soaps
* Skin disorders, such as seborrhea or Acne Vulgaris
* Eye diseases, such as iritis, Blepharitis

* Eat diet rich in vitamins and minerals
* Stop alcohol or smoking
* Antibiotics such as Tetracycline
* Low dose Vitamin A-relatives called retinoids
* Topical steroids and antifungals (for fungus infections) have all been tried
* Laser therapy may be an option
* Dermatologist (skin doctor) and other specialists (e.g., eye) may be consulted

If You Suspect This Condition
* Talk to your doctor and discuss treatment options.

Similiar Conditions
* Acne Vulgaris
* Sun Burn
* Carcinoid Syndrome




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