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Puerperal Fever

Also known as

Childbed fever


# Infection after childbirth is generally puerperal fever, and rise in body temperature is an important symptom. A puerperal fever is first seen as an infection of the reproductive organs. Puerperal fever was once considered a very dangerous illness: it was one of the 3 leading causes of death among women giving birth. The mortality risk due to Puerperal fever has been reduced by the development of antibiotics, but there are still dangers like surgery and blood poisoning.

# Definition

# The condition in which for 10 days after delivery, body temperature is measured orally 4 times daily, and body temperature twice exceeds 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If a fever reaches 102°F, or continues for 3 days, the likelihood of infection is high (excluding the 24 hours after delivery).


# If infection of the reproductive organs is ruled out, there are no symptoms of a cold or pneumonia, and there is no suspicion of reproductive organ infection, then it is not considered a puerperal infection.
# Mastitis (inflammation of the breast), thrombophlebitis outside the pelvis, and inflammation of the abdominal wall after cesarean section are not reproductive organ infections. Nor are these infections considered to be puerperal fever.
# Often when a mother has puerperal fever, she suffers from flu-like symptoms and appears ill. Women with fever from total exhaustion or mastitis, on the other hand, are able to maintain an overall healthy condition.



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