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Bent Penis

PD, Peyronie's disease, curved penis, penile induration

  • Peyronie's Disease (PD) is the result of scar tissue forming inside the penis, causing it to curve or bend when erect or hard.  The internal structure of the penis is divided into 3 compartments, and an erection occurs when 2 of these compartments, known as Copra cavernosa (erectile tissue), fill with blood.
  • After an injury, a scar (hard thick fibrous material) forms in the lining that covers the erectile tissue, restricting the expansion of the penis during an erection.  This scar acts like tape around a balloon, as it causes the erect penis to bend down, or point off to the side.

  • Could feel a hard lump or plaque under the skin
  • A lump may either occur suddenly after trauma, or take months to develop.
  • Pain is a common symptom that happens when the penis is erect.
  • Swelling can occur above the scar.
  • Penis may be narrowed or bent.
  • Multiple curves are possible.
  • Base of the penis could be rigid or hard.
  • Penis is not flexible.
  • Impotence or loss of sexual desire can occur.
  • Depression
  • Marital problems

  • Trauma during sexual intercourse -- accidental bending or hitting the penis may cause internal bleeding and scar formation.
  • Surgery -- especially around the genitals (penis, prostate, testicles) and pelvic surgery (area of the body between the two hips)
  • Genetics (abnormality of genes) -- there may be an association with another disease known as Dupuytren's contraction (scarred and curved 4th finger) linked to a protein known as HLA-B27 antigen.

  • The patient's general doctor will consult with an urologist.
  • History:
  1. Symptoms
  2. Trauma
  3. Surgery
  4. Illnesses
  5. Medications and allergies
  6. Habits, especially sexual.
  • A medical exam reveals a curve or scar.
  • The size and shape of the penis is documented.
  • There may be contractions of 4th finger.
  • Test:
  1. Picture of the penis may be taken.
  2. Urologist may inject a substance in the penis called Prostaglandin E1, and then use a machine called a Doppler (uses sound) to see the internal structure of the penile cavities.
  3. Calcium deposits can be seen in old scars.

  • Repeated trauma
  • Urological or pelvic surgery
  • Vigorous sex especially when female is on top and bending backwards
  • Dupuytren's contraction

  • Normally, scars or plaques slowly resolve on their own without treatment.
  • Those with no symptoms are watched closely.
  • Many medications, such as Vitamin E cream and Potaba have been tried, but most produce limited or no benefits.
  • Injection of Verapamil (blood pressure medicine), steroids, and other medications into the scar has been known to help.
  • Cholchicine and Tamoxifen (anti-cancer drugs) have been tried.
  • Surgery is reserved for severe cases, because it is an extremely complex procedure.  Because of this, it is usually held as a last resort.

  • Contact your physician and avoid further trauma.

  • Hypospadias -- a condition present at birth
  • Cancer of the penis


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