Mesothelioma | - Blog Hanz -


Mesothelioma – the tumor that develops from cells from the mesothelium. This epithelial tissue is above the connective tissue, covering or lining the body cavities: the pleura, the pericardium (heart cavity), the peritoneum.

At first glance, it would appear that mesothelioma is not anything intimidating – it’s pretty dense tissue, the cells of which are very close contact jointly. In fact, the mesothelial cells are sensitive and prone to disappointment, replacement of other cell sorts.

Mesothelioma – The tumor is normally malignant, early metastasis, commonly invades adjacent structures.


Malignant mesothelioma (also called carcinosarcoma, endotelioma) often develops within the pleura, less frequently in the endothelium from the peritoneum and casuistically – the pericardium. Cause of malignant transformation of epithelial tissue is normally contact with asbestos dust as well as smoking (carcinosarcoma pleura), plus injuries from the abdomen and lead to mesotheliuma from the peritoneum and pericardium.

In the development in this cancer, ionizing radiation, and silicates, wax use a great role, do not exclude the viral nature from the disease.


Tumor, which is localized within the pleura, gives symptoms almost from your first stage: cough, chest ache, pleurisy. But as a guideline, the symptoms for cold, chronic bronchitis or smoker’s cough and are also treated as the “normal” cough.

At this time, the melanoma cells metastasize quickly, and the tumor increases in dimensions, impairs blood circulation, which leads to the progression of pleurisy, the design of dyspnea.

Picture of the tumor from the peritoneum is not distinct. An atmosphere of heaviness in the stomach with obscure location, periodic lack of stability stool, sensation of a lump within the supine position. Then, with the progression from the process; pain, nausea, stool disorders are permanent, ascites is designed.

For this disease at almost any site is typical fever -a minor increase in temperature (not preceding subfebrile), but permanent. About the half of patients complain of the pain within the small joints, describing them as volatile and more disturbing each morning.

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