Is Lung Cancer Curable? | - Blog Hanz -

Is Lung Cancer Curable?

This is a tough question to answer. The doctors do not completely deny its complete cure, however answering straightaway to 'yes' or 'no' becomes a difficult task for them. This is because there are many reasons linked with it. An honest reaction demands a justified and thorough explanation. There are some very common questions asked like:

- What if the disease is caught at an early stage?
- How bright are the chances of survival if the patient undergoes chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery?
- Can I combine other alternative treatments for a speedy curing procedure?
- What are the chances of relapsing after getting it completely cured at an early stage?
- How will I breathe if my lungs are removed? Will I survive being on bedrest for rest of my life on artificial equipments?

Keeping an optimistic approach is the first sign of discouraging lung cancer. It is necessary to keep some imperative points in mind.

- When lung cancer is diagnosed at an early stage, hoping for long-term survival cannot be ruled out completely with a positive mind set.
- Many cases have been observed where people were able to survive with their zeal and hard- headed attitude.
- In some cases, patients with spontaneous regression of lung cancer are also shockingly noticed, although they are rare.

Physicians hesitate to use the word 'cure' for lung cancer:

The chances of recurrence of this disease can be noticed after several years for no reason at all. 'NED' means no evidence of disease and the chances of its recurring are unlikely. Blood cancers in small children is said to be called as 'cured' in true sense where the child is suffering from leukemia.
If the cancer has captured the lymph nodes and has not been treated with surgery, then the recurrence of adenocarcinoma and SCLC is likely. In special cases, where people are on stage 1 of lung cancer and do not face any vascular invasion for the next 5 years, it is said to be 'cured'.

Lung cancer and surgery:

Surgery is eliminating the body part which is infected with cancerous cells. This offers the best long-term survival treatment. However, it is done at initial stages when the cancer has not stretched to lymph nodes and blood vessels, and hence it is curable. In lymph node dissection surgery, people survive for another 5 years successfully after lung cancer is diagnosed and the treatment is made. A good point to note here is that the advanced forms of treatment are sometimes available to delay the cancerous growth, if complete cure is not possible.

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