Cara Untuk Menghilangkan Kesan Hitam Dibibir Akibat Merokok Khas Buat Wanita | - Blog Hanz -

Cara Untuk Menghilangkan Kesan Hitam Dibibir Akibat Merokok Khas Buat Wanita

Dulu jika wanita yang hisap rokok kebanyakan terdiri dari perempuan kabaret, perempuan jalang, opah atau mak saudara kita yang sudah tua. Tapi zaman sekarang wanita muda tak kira apa profession pun boleh kita lihat menghisap rokok terutama di bandar besar.

Tanpa segan silu ditempat awam, mereka hisap rokok termasuklah pelajar perempuan yang bertudung. Yang lelaki orang tak kisah sangat. Tapi bila pelajar perempuan yang bertudung pula nampak tak manis dipandang orang. Macam Boh...sia!

Kesan dari merokok, bibir merah yang cantik bertukar menjadi hitam. Yang lelaki atau wanita yang tak merokok, bibir mereka senantiasa kelihatan merah walaupun sudah berumur. Lihatlah mulut PM kita. Merah tak?

Jika boleh bagi wanita Islam, tak payahlah merokok. Kecuali janda-janda yang susah hati sangat ditinggalkan suami entah kemana tak apalah. Boleh maaf, sebab nak lepas "tension". Merokok adalah satu cara menghilang susah hati bagi janda-janda yang bernasib malang. Itu zaman dahulu punya cerita.

Tip menghilang kesan hitam dibibir ini dalam bahasa omputih. Baca dan amalkan.

Dark lips is a common lips problem which is caused by excessive intake of tea or coffee, smoking, excessive exposure to sun, skin dryness, wrong makeup and heavy makeup, using products of cheap brand lipsticks with fragrance, allergy and dryness. So the first thing you should do to remove dark lips is to quit excessive Tea or Coffee, smoking, cheap lipsticks, exposure to sun and lip licking. In addition you can follow these tips and home remedies to have nice and beautiful lips.

1. Scrub your lips with toothbrush every night after you brush your teeth to erase dead skins from your lips.

2. Use lemon juice with almond oil or glycerin every night on your lips.

3. Before using any lipstick do a patch test by applying it on your arm. Do not use that lipstick if there is any sort of irritation or other discomfort.

4. Always remove the lipsticks every night before going to sleep.

5. Apply fresh coconut milk over your face and lips. This gives a glow to your skin and avoids lips getting dark or dry.

6. Apply Vaseline to your lips regularly.

7. Apply a little ghee every night. This keeps lips moisturized.

8. Apply lemon juice to your lips daily, to lighten them slightly.

9. Never use old, expired lipsticks, and make sure you stick to reputed brand names.

10. Apply honey on your dark lips for about 15 minutes and then rinse with water.

11. Apply toothpaste on your dark lips for 3 minutes before shower or bathe.

12. Apply cream from curds with saffron on your lips.

13. Apply a layer of oil and leave it on for several hours. Best apply before going to bed.

14. Massage lips every night with a mixture of 1/2 tsp. Glycerin and 1/2 tsp. Castor oil with 1/2 tsp. Lemon juice and leave overnight.

15. Always take plenty of vegetable, fruit and water.

16. If you must need to use lipstick, use a branded one and do not use it when the date has expired.

17. If you are open in sun for long, use UV protectors on your lipsticks.

If these tips and remedies didn’t work and the darkness of lips continues than consult a skin specialist.


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