Causes of Obesity | - Blog Hanz -

Causes of Obesity

Genetic Factors
  • There's a close connection between the obesity in parents and the obesity in their children. Oftentimes, the children born to obese parents also become obese.
  • Seventy percent of children with obese parents are also obese. When only one of the parents is obese, 40% of the children are obese, and when neither of the parents is obese, only 10% are obese.
  • Genetically, obese people store more energy as fat than do normal people.
  • Obese people, genetically, have a lower basal metabolism.

    Social, Environmental, and Psychological Factors 
  • In developed countries, obesity occurs frequently among the lower classes, whereas in underdeveloped countries, obesity occurs more frequently among the upper classes.
  • The lowest body fat percentage is genetically set, but the maximum percentage is heavily affected by the person's environmental factors.
  • Dissatisfaction and stress can cause obesity.

    Endocrine and Hypothalamus Problem 
  • Obesity can be caused by endocrine disorders, hypothalamus dysfunction, hypophysis tumors, and pineal gland tumors.

  • Most of the time, the reason for obesity is overeating.
  • High calorie intake and low energy consumption result in obesity.
  • Excessive eating as a result of stress increases the amount of fat and causes obesity.
  • Eating too much after not eating for a while, and other irregular eating habits, can cause obesity.

  • Among people who consume excess alcohol, there are many obese people.
  • Excess calories from alcohol cause obesity.

    Lack of Exercise 
  • As life becomes more convenient and mechanical, most people don't like to walk or use stairs and opt for cars and elevators, further compounding a chronic lack of exercise that many people experience.
  • The body stores more energy when energy is not exerted. The lack of exercise causes the body to naturally deposit fat throughout the body.
  • Compared to people who do manual labor, people with office jobs have a greater chance of becoming obese, despite more working hours, because less energy is exerted.
  • hanz


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