Having a new cat or dog become part of your family can be a stressful event for everyone involved. Not only is it an adjustment for family members, but for the new pet as well.
It is important to be prepared before you bring your new pet home. Make sure that where they are coming to is a clean, safe environment. Especially true if you're bringing home a puppy, things that they like to chew really shouldn't be left around.
Make your pet its own little space. A soft bed, a place specifically for its food and water and a few toys to keep them occupied. Most of the time that cats and doges get into trouble is because they are bored. Cure that boredom with a lot of attention and things for them to play with.
Also important is giving the animal their own space. Give them time to explore their new surroundings and try not to handle them on a constant basis. There's a time for play, a time for exploration.
If your new pet is a cat, make sure you have a litter box ready to go for their use. Cats don't like a dirty box so it is important to clean it out frequently so they don't start messing in places you really don't want them to.
A new dog will need to be taken outside to take care of "business". Make it a habit up front to take the dog on walks, but always keep the new pup on a leash for protection.
Take your animals to the vet so they can receive the proper care and vaccinations they need to remain healthy.
A new pet in the family is such a fun and welcome addition. Keeping them safe and happy will assure a long, healthy fun filled life with your new companion.
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