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Vaginal Dryness

It is extremely common for women in the perimenopause and menopause stages to experience vaginal dryness. In fact, more than half of women between the ages of 40 and 60 report vaginal dryness. Aside from a decrease in fluid, other symptoms include itching or burning, minor bleeding during or after sex, and causes discomfort and pain during sex and overall limiting your enjoyment.
Thankfully, there are a number of things to help ease dryness so you can continue a normal sex life. Talking to your doctor about the issue is advised, as they can help you determine the cause and offer some solutions, but we can offer you a few pieces of advice.

Vaginal dryness is caused by one of three things - a decline in estrogen levels, as a symptom of a medical condition or medication side effect, or unresolved emotional issues. Figuring out the cause is the most important step in how to best proceed.

A decline in estrogen levels may be triggered by a number of things. Because women are constantly fluctuating in hormone levels, in every way from menstrual cycles, to pregnancy and the menopausal stages, one of these is very likely. Cigarette smoking is another culprit, as well as decreased sexual activity.

There are many medical conditions in which vaginal dryness is a symptom. A few of these medical conditions include, but are not limited to: diabetes, sexually transmitted diseases, chemotherapy, yeast infection, and several kinds of bacterial infections. It may also be due to a medication side effect; ask your doctor if any medications you are on may be to blame.

Maybe you just aren't aroused the way you used to be. It's important to determine whether or not you're dryer than you used to be all the time, or just sometimes. Negative feelings like worry or stress make an impact, so take a minute to think about how what you're feeling may affect your desire.

Now that you know what may be causing the problem, see what you can do to solve it.
Staying healthy is something you can do on your own to help ease dryness. Make sure to drink enough water (the recommended eight glasses a day), and remember to exercise. Diets that are too low in fat aren't good for increasing mucosal tissues that your body needs, so try to keep that in mind. Regular intercourse, whether by yourself or with a partner, may also help.

Some doctors may recommend estrogen therapy if self-care doesn't fix the problem. It can come in three forms: oral medication, a ring or patch, or topical cream or tablet. The ring is inserted by your doctor and releases a consistent flow of estrogen. It is replaced every three months. Both the topical cream and tablet are inserted into the vagina with an applicator, usually two or three times a week at night. All of these methods are preferable to the pill taken orally because it does not have to be processed by the liver before entering the bloodstream.

Personal lubricant is the quickest and easiest method to ease vaginal dryness. A product like HerSolution Gel™ is sure to help. More than just a lube, this product increases blood flow, creating more sensation in the genitals, and is made from high quality, natural ingredients.



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