# Labium major, labium majora of pudendum:
The labium major is the protuberant skin fold on the outside of the labium minor, covering two-thirds of the upper labium minor. Generally, it is dark colored, but coloration differs from person to person. The labium major develops clearly as a secondary sexual characteristic during puberty. Before puberty, it is flat and even, and the labium minor actually appears to be more distinct. Unlike the labium minor, the labium major has a lot of pubic hair.
The subcutaneous fat of the labium major is well developed, and even absorbs physical impact during intercourse.
# How protuberant the labium major is during intercourse differs depending on childbirth experience. The muscles of women with no childbirth experience tense up and become flat and even. The labium majors of women with childbirth experience have developed a capillary network, and become 2-3 times more protuberant than normal. Because the labium major originates from the same primordium as the male scrotum, they have similar coloration. A sweat gland gives off strong female body odor along the pubic hair, and the smell stimulates and promotes sexual desire in men. The odor varies depending on sex, age, race, and geographical region.
# Labium minor, labium minora of pudendum:
The labium minor, an external genital organ, is a mucosal fold covering the front part of the vagina. The color of the labium minor is different depending on the individual, but when stimulated it turns a light red color. Unlike the labium major, the labium minor has no pubic hair. It is a sensitive erogenous zone where neuroterminals are concentrated, and it expands when sexually stimulated. When the labium minor is stimulated, the clitoris is indirectly stimulated also, and depending on the person, orgasms come more easily than stimulating the clitoris directly.
# Clitoris:
The clitoris is female erectile tissue and a very sensitive erogenous zone. Only 0.5-1.5 cm long, the clitoris has no substantial physiological function besides sexual function. The clitoral glands are located where the two labium minors meet, and is shaped like a small button. The area exposed to the outside is 0.6-2.5 cm and has nothing to do with the size of the clitoris or degree of sexual pleasure.
The word clitoris is Greek and means 'hidden thing.' When the clitoris becomes stimulated during intercourse, it gradually recedes into the prepuce of the clitoris. Regardless of sexual position or intensity of caressing, it becomes difficult to stimulate the clitoris directly. Sometimes men are unable to locate the clitoris during intercourse. Some women who prefer stimulation of the clitoris try to delay the insertion of the penis. It is difficult to stimulate the clitoris with the forward movement of the penis, but it can move back and forth somewhat from pressure on the labium minor. When the penis is inserted deeply and rotated, the movement applied to the labium minor is transmitted to the epidermis, indirectly stimulating the clitoris. Some claim that close and strong contact between pubic bones applies pressure to the clitoris and gives the woman pleasure, but this is not always true.
# Ovaries:
The ovaries are reproductive glands that produce eggs, female hormones, and a small amount of male hormone. An ovary is 2-2.5 cm and shaped like a big kidney bean. It is made up of the medullary layer in the middle and the cortical layer on the outside. The cortical layer on the outside is formed of follicles made up of various ovum forming cells and follicle cells. Once a month, eggs ovulated from a mature follicle enter the fallopian tube. And when the ovulated egg is unable to meet sperm, it is shed during menstruation.
Hormones secreted by the ovaries are estrogen, progesterone, and a little androgen. Estrogen controls the first half of the menstrual period and maintains neutrality in the vagina. It also affects fat distribution and breast growth. Progesterone controls the latter half of the menstrual period and promotes lactation. Androgen increases sexual ability.
Women are born with 300,00- 400,000 immature eggs. When the menstrual cycle begins during puberty, eggs are ovulated once a month from at least one mature follicle. This maturation of eggs and ovulation continues until menopause.
# Hymen:
The hymen is a skin membrane that partially covers part of the vaginal opening. Hymens come in an infinite variety of sizes, shapes, and thickness. The existence or rupture of the hymen has no relationship with sexual experience. Although rare, some women are born without a hymen.
If a woman is about to have intercourse for the first time, she may be worried about pain and bleeding, but taking some time and widening the vaginal opening slowly may be an ideal way to prevent discomfort. One can widen the vaginal opening by pushing along the back of the vaginal wall for 20 seconds everyday during a bath for 2-3 weeks .
When there is an inflammation or other diseases affecting the hymen, intercourse can be very painful for the woman. Sometimes the vagina will contract as a reflexive action against the pain caused by penis insertion. When there are sudden vaginal spasms during the sexual excitement process, one should suspect abnormalities with the hymen first.
# G-spot
The G-spot is a structure inside the vagina discovered in 1950 by Ernst Graefenberg, a German obstetrician and sexologist. This spot, when stimulated, acts as a strong erogenous zone and causes orgasm. The G-spot is a-pea sized, egg-shaped structure located on the supravaginal mucous membrane, 3-4 cm inside the vaginal opening. It is an organ with a similar histological structure as the male prostate gland. The G-spot has many holes that lead to the female urinary tract. When stimulated, the G-spot expands and through the holes a secretion is discharged from the urinary tract.
This secretion released through the external ostium of the urethra is not urine. Referred to as 'female ejaculation,' it occurs during intense orgasm. The G-spot is a class 1 erogenous zone, and according to statistics, it is discovered in 30-40% of women. The secretion from the G-spot contains acid phosphatase, which is not found in urine but is similar to prostate gland secretion (the main constituent of semen). The amount of secretion increases with the level of sexual pleasure.
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