Condyloma, Venereal warts, Condylomata acuminate
Genital warts are a type of venereal diseases caused by human papilloma virus. This virus has many subtypes and some of them cause warts on skin and genital mucosa including anus. Cervical cancer of uterus is also related with infection with some specific subtypes.
* Single or clustered flesh colored growings on the genitals or anal area
* Tiny, flat, and soft mass in the beginning
* Sometimes cauliflower-like looks when grown up
* Usually no symptoms but it may cause itching, tenderness, abnormal vaginal bleeding in women
How the Diagnosis Is Made
* Inspection(genital examination)
* Biopsy
* Colposcopy
* Pap smear
Risk factors
* Sex with infected partners
* Multiple sexual parters or unknown sex parters
* Smoking
* Vitamin deficiency
* Decreased immunity due to medications or medical conditions such as AIDS
* Application of caustic agents
* Surgical excision
* Ablation with laser
* Cryotherapy
* Alpha-Interferon injections
* Bleeding
* Secondary infection with bacteria or fungi
* Obstruction with the birth canal when masses of warts become too large
* Sometimes spontaneous healing may happen
* Recurrence is common with treatment
* Avoid sexual contact with multiple parters or unknown persons
* Using condom may offer some protection from transmission but not always cover against infection
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Penyebab Kutil Kelamin Obat Kondiloma
Genital herpes virus is passed from one person to another through sexual contact. This happens even if the person with the virus doesn't have symptoms or signs of infection. I contracted herpes 3 years ago and from time to time, the virus will become active, i felt itchy or tingly around my genitals. This is usually followed by painful, small blisters that pop and leave sores that ooze or bleed. I was tired of my condition and I was told herpes has no permanent cure. One day I was searching for a possible/permanent cure for herpes and I came across Dr. Colle’s website, I read some reviews about his herbs and medications. I contacted him and he sent me the medication for herpes which i took for some days.. while taking the medication, the blisters dried out and the itchy, tingly and pain stopped. After finishing his medication, I went for a blood test and the herpes was gone. It’s been over a year now and I haven’t had any symptoms of Herpes. You can get the permanent cure of Herpes from Dr. Colle via, visit or call +393470387713